Grab And Go Read!
That is the theme here at The Freebooks Project.Welcome to our little Cyber-Library of eBooks, eTexts, and other ePublications!
There are no accounts to create, no log-ins, no passwords, and no need to give out your email address to get a download link. There is no newsletter to have to sign up for and no membership to maintain in order to be able to access this site and download ebooks.
What this little area of GorgeLink.Org is about is:
- open access to downloadable articles & ebooks by authors who have e-publications in circulation on the increasingly popular "free to share (but not to modify)" licensing agreement so everyone can share without worry
- linking to authors who have great material to read-online
- linking to the best sources for making your own electronic publications at no, or little, cost
- promoting literacy here at home and around the world
While this site started out as a collection of ebooks in Windows[tm] Exe format, it now features other formats as well. So no matter what your operating system feel free to browse around. There is a lot to read in txt, rtf, pdf, and other formats besides the exe ebooks.
NOTE: Things are in a bit of a mess while we are giving the site a face lift, so it is easy to tell the old pages from the new ones, which are based on the same template as this page. Rather than shutting the site down for the make over it was decided to make smaller changes over a longer period of time.
Thanks for your patience!
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